Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Idle or Ideal?

Work life is strange. At least, to me...presently.

I don't despise it, and frankly speaking, I quite like it. Compared to the past 10+ years of studying life, it's routinely peaceful and predictable.

Waking up every morning, going to work, knocking off and either hanging out with my colleagues for a bit or wait for Lovely to knock off, or knocking off early and heading home, going out with friends or Lovely sometimes after work, reaching home and turning into dust infront of tudou or tv, or at times, reading any book I can lay my hands on/make me tear myself away from tudou, sleep. Rewind, and repeat.

Not having to bring any work home to do relieves me, and yet makes me feel strange after having to pia even after reaching home for the past 10+ years. It feels so nice though to go out every weekend or spend time with somebody who matters to you, without thinking about that pile of work or reports waiting for you at home.

I would say, to me, the only more visible aspect of work life that is saliently more sian than school life, would be counting down. I/We spent the large part of our school life counting down; counting down to that end of the period, counting down to that recess, counting down to that dismissal/end of the day, counting down to that deadline, counting down to that weekend, counting down to that term break, counting down to that end of exams, counting down to that end of semester, counting down to that end of school life eternally.

But when all that counting down is over, and work life comes in, I find nothing much to count down to anymore other than weekends or public holidays, which is really no biggie. Well, especially when I usually knock off after 2pm on Saturdays, with half the day gone, nuaing around abit more, comes the next day, and blahblah, Monday is here again. And we march into work, crying "It's MONDAYYYYYYY" again :/ Public holidays feels abit better, coz you feel abit more 赚到 than usual; like it's not the usual weekend. But then, it's usually short, and leaves you with withdrawal symptoms after that, like when's the next public holiday!!?

Perhaps I need that extra oomph or push to go do something else with my free hours. But again, it feels like pushing myself back into that whirlwind of busy-ness and unhealthy rapid ageing again for nothing. How ironic.

I wonder what I would answer when somebody ask me "How's life?" :
- "Good, idle!"
- "Good, ideal!"

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