Friday, January 29, 2010


Lalala~ Happy for my lovely!!! =D *dances around*

Haha another week passed!

Work is so time-consuming, no time to do work!! X_X And i'm so sad =( Work's never gonna be the same again after Feb. Sigh.

Oh, and we're attending another one of Toolbox's friend's ROM on Sunday! =) Since we got attached, it's like his second friend getting married liao, and none of my friends yet so far!! Lai lai, kuai dian. Bu yao shu gei ta de friends~ Hahaha.

Ok, I'm super bo liao.

Ought to get back to GP, the weekly blogging is over~ Hahaha..

So stressed!!

Oh, and I have found new joy in reading terrorism articles! Lol. I mean, since 9/11, I have never bothered reading any terrorism related stuff until now the forensic psych project is about terrorism. And I realised it's really interesting!! Haha, Singapore has very good rehab program! Woohoooo. I sound like i'm so pro-singapore. Lol.


(From Bobo)

大多数二十多岁的男人处于他一生中最暗淡的时刻,没事业,没钱。二十多岁的女人正处于她一生中最光彩的时刻,她年轻,她漂亮。 所以20多岁的男人更应该珍惜在这个时候爱他的女人,因为她是用她一生中最光彩的时刻来陪伴你一生中最暗淡的时刻!

How seemingly true is that!! =P


Rights, back to GP. Urrgh.



  1. u will do fine too! =)

  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    OMG it totally describes my quarter life crisis.
    it is so totally true.

  3. ernie- haha wad?? no career no money? lol
    x- =)=)

  4. hahaha!! Yammie is damn funny! :P

    anyway, I dunno what you talking about! OMG, we should really meet up. So, Monday's dinner confirmed??

  5. jul-
    haha actually i think yam quoted that from her friend.. it's very true wad!! :p

    lol what thing u dun understand?? yup, Monday's confirmed!! we can update each other then! 6.15pm @ Mac? :)
