Friday, January 22, 2010

El fin de la segunda semana; El principio de un mal sueño.

Woohoo. Week 2 is over and the nightmare is just about to begin!

I hope i'm not catastrophizing;
- 3 weeks to submission of a messy GP/FYP Draft 2
- 5 weeks to a major presentation we have not much inkling about

Amongst a very scary Spanish class where everybody seem pro and a professor whom I am still not quite used to, much Spanish/Malay notes to write and homework to do, a slightly over 20-hours work week, much research to do, and meetings abundantful to come.

That doesn't look like a lot huh. It does look scary on my calendar though.


Haha you're looking at somebody who's talking rubbish coz she's procrastinating again.


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    i also haf a lot to do... sighs

  2. the ppl in my korean class look pro too... hahaha.. JIAYOU!!!

  3. ernie/huiyu:
    haha when are we meeting up mannnn! huiyu my spanish class ppl talk so fast lah!! :( hahaha and u managed to add ur korean in the end? yay!! ^^

    who is gu dan??
