Saturday, December 06, 2008

Wooooooo! Today feels like a Sunday night!! I almost wanted to say it's the end of the week le. Hahaha.

Been very very busy this week! Spent a whole day with lulu cooking, watching Lilo & Stitch (THEODORE! =D), and many other tv shows. Hahaa. Then spent another night with many (much, alot,...) of the electrons shopping for bert's present and such. And another evening shopping for Hx's present, then going for bert's bday party! =)

Happy be-early 21st birthday!! =D Hahaha. Party had nice food nice cakeS and very nice door gift from Canele! =O Ahahaa. Very high-end birthday bash for a chalet place. And everybody crowded into the house at 9pm to watch Little Nyonya -_-''' Lol! Anyway, all was nice except the 50min walk from Parkway! @_@ Lol. Bert, aren't you touched we walked for a whole 50 minutes just to sing you a birthday song! Next gathering you foot the bill! =D Lol.

Yeap went for uncle's ROM ytd too, and wedding lunch today. I managed to navigate myself from City Hall MRT to ROM with a sheet of map printed from! Lol. So proud of myself! -_-''' Hahaha that was besides the point. The solemnizor(how to spell?) was not solemn at all! Lol. He kept making us laugh lah! =X The lunch was not bad today. Met alot of ex-tutors! Hahaha. Coz a lot of my ex-tutors are my uncle's church friends, and like over 100 people from their(my uncle&wife) church came today. And I was working at the reception, and guess who I spotted in the guest list?!


Lim Chong Shen


Wahahaha!!! *stunned* Then he walked out of the lift, and I waved happily at him, and he was so stunned. Lol. Yeap, for those who don't know, that's my JC civics tutor/GP teacher la. Yeap, and managed to catch up with him for awhile, and he's teaching at NUS High School now liao. Haha. Was nice catching up though. =)

Anyway, about the lunch. It was the longest wedding lunch I ever had! As in not the duration, but the amount of food. It was 12-course la! OMG. By like 8th course, we were like all full already. Hahahaa. And then there were my 3 nephews who were busy running around, so our whole table of cousins had to take shifts running around with them =X Lol. And although I came in from the reception (I was there alone for bridegroom's side), and violently protested that I just knocked off, they showed no mercy! Hahaha. So funny. Every wedding, our family will have babies running around and dominating the restaurant stage! =O

Yay. Was uber shagged after coming home. Watched tv and slept and watch tv and read blahblahblah. I have either a busy or boring life. Hahaha.

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