Monday, April 14, 2008

some interesting stuff, coincidentally all taken from ah gong's blog! =)

SAF's latest advertisement.

"Our world rates wealth over courage and comfort over commitment. We think that nothing will ever disturb our lives. We are surprised when people get sick and die. We think that technology can fix everything. We take our safety for granted. We have more degrees but less sense. We have more medicine but less wellness. We've added years to life, not life to years. We build everything bigger, but not neccessarily better. We have more convenience but less time. We have more communication but less understanding. We make heroes out of actors but have no idea who the real heroes are."

-nod nods-

nwaes, what's going through me now is a horrid version of dreamland.. im constantly feeling light in the head, as if im floating around.. then when i try to study, i keep nodding off, and waking up to aim white lumps of mass into the wastebasket. and when i clamber into bed, i think about my huge comfy bed at home coupled with my darling BOLSTER. yes, i can't hug my softtoy substitute now for fear that it's accumulating dust. and i can't slp proper coz my head feels awfully wrong, and i need sth proper to hug, and im not actually tired tired, just drowsy. and needless to say, im too coupled with guilt to slp peacefully, when my exams are 24.5hrs away. ahhhh. medicine; friend or foe?

speaking of medicine, health and what not. take a look at this - darwinian explanation of suicide.

when thoughts of suicide arises within an individual, they do not hope or wish anymore. the soul is weak and you are no longer motivated to seek means to increase your reproductive success. you seek suicide as an evolutionary adaptation, bcoz when you die, your kins will no longer be burdened by you, and will hence be able to pass on their genes smoothly; and since they are related to you, part of your genes get passed on as well. beats sitting around, moping unproductively, and not doing anything to pass on your genes.

hmm. does that sound valid to you?

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