Friday, November 16, 2007

To my lovelies mugging out there!

dun despair if you're doing below your expectations ok! we've gotta keep trying harder and harder! i really know how it feels when all your friends around you are doing so well and yet your results are sucky like hell (unfortunately, i come from a smart+mugger clique. haha). and i certainly know how it feels when you're putting in the same amount of effort as them, or even more, yet you perform worse.

i wouldn't deny the fact that some ppl are just inevitably more talented than me. but i wouldn't resign myself to the sucky grades i get either. after many many failures and setbacks, i'm still telling myself i'll get there if i continue working hard, and hopefully, working smart.

we may never get the many many A+s that they are getting, but at least the grades will be justifiable to the amount of effort we've put in.

and it would be good to step back once in awhile and review the situation; perhaps we're pushing ourselves too hard, and we really need a break; perhaps we simply set astronomically high expectations for ourselves (reach for the moon, so that you'll at least fall for the stars is but a myth; we all know that the stars are higher than the moon..); maybe we all used to do well, and wanna continue doing well, but when you did so well tt you hardly have space to fall back on, taking things with a pinch of salt would be healthier. on a brighter note, when you're doing not as well, you have more room for improvement! :)

okay, call it unrealistic optimism, or call it self-deception. but white lies are meant to be healthy! :)

jiayou jiayoU! as jiaying baobei and fishsee jiejie says respectively...
"world war 3 is coming!!"

and don't forget to take breaks in between.. don't overwork yourself and fall sick ok! *hugs all my lovelies* =)

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