Saturday, February 03, 2007

haha supposed to be doing my Learning Journal.. but once i on the lappie and go into ms words, the words in the article starts swimming in front of me. hence that explains why i clicked on the IE icon and am blogging now. =/

woke up bright and early before 8.. waste my beauty sleep!! i reached at like 8.45am, and the race started at like 9.55am. WAHHH. that's ONE HOUR of slp wasted u know?! hahaha. sleepyhead. :p yea yeap.. met laihuat and the jcrc ppl.. realised that Esther is super super SUPER NICE. :) hehee.. and i think only the jcrc ppl goes down to cheer....... =X hahaa. n it wasn't very exciting either.. not cos' not enthu for the hall or what..but cos' we don't get to see half of the relay, cos' they ran out of the after the grp of ppl raced off, we just stoned while waiting for them to run in again.. ahahaha. and half of the time i was so confused thinking our team was lagging so behind.. (cos' one whole grp of ppl suddenly ran in, and it was after quite awhile before our team ppl came in.. then i realised very long after that the grp of ppl who came in were finishing their 2nd round, and after ahile our team came in finishing the 3rd round HAHA. -_-''') if you still don't's okay. u just hafta know our team prob ended up 2nd out of 14teams. ahahahas~ realised i said PROB cos' there are 2teams per hall, and they must tabulate the results of both teams then can conclude the winners. hahaha~

okkk. then it finally finished at 11+ and i went home at erm.. 1+? or was it 12+? hahaha.

i think i'm still kinda sad about Bernard.. =( was telling mum about it just now and i felt like crying all over again.. =/ i don't know whether i'm more disturbed by the fragility of life or is it cos' i worked alongside with him for 7months and after losing touch for another 7months, i suddenly won't be seeing him forever.

was thinking if i would have felt better if i knew of his condition. but then, again..even if i knew of it, there wasn't anything i could have done right? even those who knew couldn't do anything, needless to say - i couldn't have done anything too. but somehow i wished someone told me earlier that this was coming..then i wouldn't feel so (fill-in-the-blank)..... =/ perhaps it was his intention not to let too many ppl know about his condition, so that he could lead a normal life, and have ppl treat him as a normal person? hmmmm. i wonder what i would do if i were him. =|

i rmb-ed he was the one who told me "guys do not know how to cherish girls. even if you give them a 2nd chance, they will still waste that chance and treat the girl like thrash again." and i took it to heart seriously. i's true, isn't it? ok, maybe the guys reading this will protest.. -owells- i was simply trying to say.. be it girls or life, we should all learn how to treasure the ppl/things around us! sounds so cliche right? haha. but be it girls or simply life, many a times we will still not learn how to cherish them whether we are given a 2nd chance or not... hmmmm. =(

seems that 2007 isn't exactly off to a good start.. so many deaths already. =((

rawr! i want all my cny resolutions/wishes to come true!! (refer to previous entry if you still do not know what are they. haha) and i want to add that..i hope everyone can be very very happy!! and everyone lives life to the fullest!!!

i think i sound disgustingly grandmotherly today -.- okkk, enough of all this... back to my even-more-disgusting Learning Journal!! =X

dear friend, i hope you will be happy now, wherever you are, and free from all the sufferings...

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