Sunday, November 05, 2006

since i'm done with my proj n portfolio FINALLY, and by the time i alrdy dun feel like doing any written work, so i came here instead to write rubbish. =X


i think everything's starting to feel kind of weird. what happened to the days we used to talk so freely and openly? what happened to the days where we can just simply shoot each other and talk about all sorts of rubbish? where did all the days go? now they have been replaced with constant irritant naggings of study hard. study hard hor, did u studied today, u better study hard lor. what's with all the stupid studying stuff? don't you ever find it annoying? and all u do is nag about my studies! it's not as if i'm failing my course or something!! ok, with the exception of hr maybe. but i didn't even tell you about hr. -.- and what's with all the sudden politeness and weirdness of all those sms-es. everything suddenly seems so unnatural and weird. i don't like it AT ALL. when somebody has been suan-ing you forever, and suddenly turns all polite and concerned and stuff, isn't that abit...weird?? =X ok, it's either you've changed..or i'm just being sensitive. JAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. -_-''' argh!! but sometimes i really cannot stand it! concerned then concerned ma. don't have to spell it out like that. not like you don't spell out i won't know or feel it?? -grrrrrrrrr.

and then i don't even know how i feel towards you now. after knowing so many things that i didn't know. and there are still so many things i duno. so it's kind of saddening i admit.. maybe it's not too late to pull out though. and pull out i do SO want to!!!!!! =( hai~

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