Sunday, July 10, 2011

Work & Life...

Life has been kind and happening to moi!

Work has taken a slight change since mid June and so I've had more time to spend with my colleagues at the center, and learn more new things everyday! Big bosses came from the States and went back with very positive comments, so we are all happy. Now the thing is they have more plans for us, and we would be even busier! Hahaha. Not that I'm complaining though. To me, busy = more things to learn! Well, at least at work...I don't want to establish that the same theory holds in school :p

Besides keeping big bosses happy, I've come to realise too that at least to me, even more satisfying than keeping bosses happy is Client Satisfaction. It's one thing to have bosses tell you "Good job, you're doing well.", but a totally different and more rewarding feeling to have your client tell you "We really appreciate your hard work", "We're seeing improvement in...", "Thank you for changing lifes", "Each of you is a noble and inspiring example of .....", etc... =)

Perhaps because my job involves directly crossing paths with clients regularly and every single day, it can get rather emotional or frustrating at times. There are happy times of coz when we would wanna go "YAHOOO!!!!", but there are down times too where you just want to get out of the job, and there are times it wears you off so badly you just feel you can't carry on anymore. Even one of the bosses told us "All it takes is 1 frustrating minute to change and whip off all that passion you have." Yes, it can't be more true. So colleagues' support are important, to fight away any negativity we feel at the end of a hard day. And even more so, knowing our clients are thankful and satisfied with what we have been doing, hearing a heartfelt "Thank you", it sometimes just lift you back off the ground, and feel that every punch you take at work is worth all the while! =) =)

Haha, I guess that's human nature... you know it's tough, you feel like giving up, but you know you won't actually give up, but you just want to feel appreciated so that it's worth hanging on! =P

Anyway, other than work, Deardear and I have been really lucky too! Things are progressing really well for us, and we can't be more thankful about that!! Not to brag, but the number of happy things coming our way makes me feel like we're re-entering some Honeymoon Phase. Haha.. We'll just sit back, *cross* our fingers and toes for abit more, enjoy the happy world passing by, before we need to start worrying about what comes next =)

Yay! So, for now, I'll just be thankful that work and life are going on well, and grab this opportunity to learn learn LEARN more about anything and everything! Hope the remaining 4.5 months of the year would be as fruitful as the first half of the year!! =)

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