Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Boyfriend's parents were away for the weekend, and the sisters were out, so I took charge of the kitchen yesterday! =P

Pulled lulu out of house early in the morning to NTUC for grocery shopping. And I had this warped idea that grocery shopping is never grocery shopping without the big big trolley. So I made him push a big big trolley which contained ingredients for our LUNCH only. Hahaha. So people kept walking past and staring at our 1/10 filled trolley. *ahems* Hahaha~ I wasn't the one pushing anyway, so it's alright. =D

Yeap, and we headed home, and I cooked the longest homemade lunch ever! -_-''' Hahaha. Righhhhht. Coz it's my first time cooking a full meal okay. So we took like erm.... 4 hours? preparing + looking for stuff + cooking + going down to get more stuff + eating + washing up. Hahaha!

But it was very fun! Now I know what it means by 想抓住男人就得先抓住他的胃!! Deardear totally 中招了! ^^

I made cheese omelette with lots of ham and bacon chips inside, carbonara pasta, and cream of mushroom soup!

Recipes all taken online, except for the pasta. Pasta was made by modelling learning~ Hahahaa. Watched my brother cooking the day before, and just imitated him lor. And it turned out great! ^^

Cheese omelette was improvised by yours truly~ Only followed part of the recipe.. Hahaaha. And it turned out very very nice too! Wheeee. Cheese rocks!! ^^

Highlight of the day was Cream of Mushroom! It took the longest to prepare. Coz we forgot to soak the mushrooms first, so waited very long for it to soften =X And i changed the recipe again~ Hahaha. And it took time to boil, and blend it etc... In the end, it was uber uber fab!! Yea, the photos don't exactly do justice =X But Lulu says it's restaurant standard!!! ^^ WHEEEE!

Hahaha! And so I discovered my hidden-for-21-years talent of cooking yesterday!! ^^ Yay~ It's so nice to cook for my lovely to eat, and seeing him eat what I cooked so happily (well, he had to look happy, or else...)! =) And I was not very clever. All the groceries I bought is cannot finish using to cook one meal de. So lulu happily declared I can go over and cook more often -_-''' Hahaha. I shall quit school on 11 november and happily go be my lulu's ful-time 煮饭婆! ^^

Hahahaa.. Anyway, here are some random photos I was supposed to update eons ago~ Eh don't have time to upload everything actually. Especially the lantern fest ones. Have like hundreds of photos. Hahaha. And I am pretty lazy to rearrange them in sequence or rotate them, so you hafta go figure =)

And I was supposed to come online to do Ringo tutorial! HELP! What am i doing here!?

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