Friday, January 25, 2008

ok as you can see, not blogging for four or five consecutive days when i'm not holidaying or having exams is a sign.


i hate coming here when i'm bored or stressed. when im bored, i type too much unrelated stuff, and when i'm stressed i type too much unnerving stuff.

it's mad to be downing coffee past 12 midnight when it's the 3rd wk of sch only.

and i only have my 21AUs to blame. after much frenzy and confusion of crystals and add/drop, i'm the only manic left with that many AUs. i know if bobo n stephie were here they would stress out together with me. hahaa. but apparently they are both in paradise now~ =)

and i regret to announce that i'm lagging behind by an entire week for all my core mods readings, which is pretty bad, coz' we all know that once you start lagging behind, you'll never catch up again.

i consoled myself over bfast by proclaiming that it's just my cores going bwah!, but i'm still pretty much coping fine with my electives. the next thing i know when i stepped into maths lec, the lecturer started preaching foreign stuff and right after, i got drowned by a truckload of totally inaudible french.

so i stepped out of french totally unreeled, and coupled with the added realisation of 3 core midterms + maths quiz + french written test + french oral taking place in week 7, i was simply out of sorts.

yong tau fu with qiqi, adek kecil and choc jokes with the manics improved my mood slightly, and seeing deardear again was an absolute relief, so i didn't brood much over it any more. thank you dearies for the unknowing rays of cheer you all gave me! =)

anyway, if you've been trying to get me by hp, but to no avail, it's the network prob giving me zero reception. if im not responding or calling you back, just dont harp on it coz' i've enough stuff at hand to bother myself with miss calls unless they are impt.

yea i dun really care. its a girl's prerogative to turn nasty and bare their teeth once a month. we evolved like that and adapted to such crap for reproductive purposes. so, -rawr-.

alrite. i'm really sorry for such a dreary entry. i'm really grateful for my friends and dear for being here for me these days. really. i dont say much and i dont show, but i'm really glad you guys are here, helping me all the way, and simply being there :)

i know i'm incoherent. but it's 4am, and i've been up since 8.30am, tied down to mind-boggling lecture, tutorials, wsc, and textbooks.

off to bed, cinderella! the sun will be warm and pretty again when you rise :)

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