somebody was supposed to pass me photoshop cd but i duno who and he/she has not done so =( so meanwhile pls put up with the humongous amt of pics that i uploaded. hahaha.
nwaes, before the pics start. story goes that..
one fine day, we went to SS Supermarket (opened by xian's bf) to buy our steamboat stuff, before heading back to the pantry to prepare food. and it is indeed super obvious who doesn't prepare food at home, as the pictures will later reveal..
and the above few group photos were taken by qiqi's bf who i was extremely mean to! wahaha. he oficially blacklists us now for being his darling's sun you(s) who
1) didn't invite him to eat the food,
2) almost killed his darling with blood red cannot-be-cooked pig liver,
3) made him take so many photos,
4) then still pester him to go and buy icecream for us!
and u noticed it was 6-sided? coz 3 other lovelies were absent due to obvious unforseen JAP circumstances =(
and stuff that ppl were not caught red-handed through the lens included
1) steph's bloody murder case,
2) wluek cracking eggs for the first time in her life,
3) and the president scrubbing pots til they shone.
and that was our very happy steamboat night to remember - 051007 :)
[for more updates and unbiased reports, refer to other manics' blogs]
and so smart lil' sotong finally busted jieyang's blog after finding out that he had been spying on us for ages! hahaha. poor him..the object of OUR thursday night mass googling. haha. you better not find out any secrets from the past entries/tags...OR ELSE I'LL REVEAL YOUR BLOG AD!!! =) -nyahaha- the hundred and one reasons why huiting loves to blackmail jieyang; one of them includes revenge for her darling stephie whom he often bullies! ^^
[oh and the rest of the manics who knows his blog pls keep it to yourself until he uhhhh...bullies me. hahahaa. yea la. don't spead k..he doesn't like it publicised. and he doesn't read our blogs often too nwae.. lol. =)]
and we tried to skip patty's lec by attending ringo's very nice RA meeting. but halfway through he found out and sent the 4 of us scuttling back to boring cognitive lec which we forgot to print notes for. -_-'''
can't wait for..
1) maths midterms to end,
2) RA to start,
3) movie outing with gungun to bio lengzai(s),
4) SAO TO GIMME A ROOM (preferrably @ 15! *grins*),
5) exams to be over,
6) outing with yuyu&ernie (ERNIE shall we watch HERO!? ^^),
7) more outings with electrons,
8) more steamboats with manic(!!),
9) all the notes piling up to be finished off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
haha i'm amazed by my ability to spend such a long time blogging when i got so much things undone! x_x
and i'm feeling so much better now after the supposed long rest on fri and today, where although i had work to do, i had my fair share of joy! :) and it awes and delights me how -frolicking around jp with my bestie, steamboat with my lovelies, staying over at stephie's room again for ONE night, and spending time with my lovely lil' cousins- brightens my gloomy week by such a considerable amount! =)
alrighhhhhhhht! huiting will continue to be strong, as long as her lovelies constantly revolve around her pretty stressful(stressful but pretty) life! *hugs all darlings* =)) (Tan, 2007).
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