Tuesday, June 12, 2007

i think many of us have heard something like this before -

when someone hurts you or make you unhappy, write it on sand, so that it may be easily washed away and forgotten.
when someone helps you or make you happy, carve it on stone, so that you would remember it for life.

i used to think this should indeed be the way things work.
but now i realise it isn't always that airy-fairy.

when the someone who hurt you or made you unhappy is someone whom you love or care for, you tend to forgive the person easily and forget about everything, coz you cherish the person and dowan to believe that the person will hurt you;
when the someone who helped you or made you happy is someone whom you love or care for, you tend to remember the person's good just as easily, coz it alliases with the nice expectations you have of that person.

on the contrary,
when the someone who hurt you or made you unhappy is someone you don't like, you tend to remember the hurt and unhappiness caused, coz it's wad you're expecting them to do;
when the someone who helped you or made you happy is someone you don't like (which is most unlikely to happen), you tend to forget it easily and just let it slip past your memory, perhaps intentionally, coz part of you dowan to believe that it's happening either.

yes, it isn't always easy to control your emotions and feelings at times, i guess.

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