Thursday, June 07, 2007

Dear 12 years old Huiting,

I am writing from your future 8 years later. And I'm writing bcoz 7 years from now, when you go to uni (yes, you will manage to squeeze into uni), you will meet a crazy fren (no, i'm not gonna tell you who now) who will write to her 12-year-old self and tempt you to do the same thing.

You've probably just cleared your PSLE by now, and am bursting with excitement to embrace the new secondary school life awaiting you. yes, that's the way! coz in due time, you will find out that many of the happiest times and bestest friends of your life will be awaiting for you there. :) yes, you'll have the hell of a great time during this phase of your life. as for the academic side, yes, ups and downs, but you'll eventually pull thru', so do work hard!

Thereafter, you'll enter the loveliest jc and meet another grp of the loveliest ppl who are going to change your life for good. they will alter your course of life in the oddest ways that will be way beyond your imagination - some will push you down into the deepest abbyss and grip your heart with the sharpest pain you can ever imagine, while others will melt your heart, stay and touch your life forever. do strive hard, coz 2 years may be a short time, but you'll soon find out it might be the hardest time of your life.

Perseverance and faith are what you need to pull you through. but remember, don't always trust everyone around you so easily. coz your gullible nature will make you vulnerable and only let you get hurt.

Perhaps at one point of your life, you'll feel so totally miserable and helpless, but don't ever give up! coz there are many more beautiful things in your life worth your attention.

and always remember, place Friendship before Love. your friends will be the people who will be there for you to tide through the most difficult time of your life. Love is but a wine that makes you light-headed and giddy with short-lived happiness. Friends is the tea that makes you sober after that, and let you see things clearly. Most importantly, tea can be equally nice if you learn to appreciate it! plus plus plus - tea is good for health in the long run! hahaha~ actually, so is wine - as long as it is not taken excessively! yeap, so moral of story is - pls be nice to your friends! (:

Perhaps youu're bursting with excitement about looking for a bf now, or still on about that dream of earning your first million before uni starts, getting married before 24, and retiring by the seaside with 4 babies. but no, after the big ordeal is over, you would become as skeptical about life as i am now, especially about boys and love in particular. but do try to open yourself up, and take life as it comes. don't be afraid to love, and don't be too uptight about the fear of getting hurt again. you know deep down, you're still a girl and you still want to be loved, just by the right guy and at the right time. yes, 8 years later, you'll be just as fearful as i am now. but no worries, we got time to work things out. we'll erase the hurt and remove the horrible scar one day! you know what? you will stop crying so often, and come to realise you're actually a very strong and brave girl! (:

You're probably still afraid now - 'fraid of all the squabblings taking place at home. but be cool about it. as time goes by, things will improve. and always keep in mind that you have the greatest brother on the earth that you love alot alot, who will always be there for you when stuff with your parents become slightly dislodged. he'll tide you through the storms together, and take good care of you. yes, he might be super irritating now, but he'll grow up one day and be nice to you! :))

Even up til' my age, you won't be getting everything you want. freedom in particular. you gotta wait for that. it's not gonna come to you so easily. but we are all patient and understanding nice little girls, so we'll just wait okay? :p

Okay okayyy, i've revealed enough! Live through these 8 years for yourself, and you'll really love your life. Keep in mind that everything, whether good or bad, happens for a reason; if it's happy, keep the feeling in your heart forever. if it's sad, take it as a lesson learnt, bury it away and carry on with life.

Okay, one last important thing: Huiting is a happy girl, and she should always be giggling madly! If Huiting isn't smiling, then she isn't Huiting anymore. -giggles-

alriteysssssss! take care, my cute little 12-yo! cya in 8 years' time!!

20-year-old Sotong

(you'll find out who's sotong real soon when you start acting like one..)

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