Thursday, May 10, 2007

boo boo actually makes sense - everytime before we step into our french class, we should take a deep breath and be prepared to be bombarded by french for the next few hours, i.e. the blur look will constantly register and the word that is repeated most often for the next few hours will be "huh?".


albeit confusing, it's fun. =) and the time just whizzes past like nobody's business.


the only sian-ed part is the homework awaiting.. hahaha. which i'm not planning on starting now.. cos' i've been completely drained for the day.

was talking to a few of the returning nsmen just now.. asked them how much they paid for the special sem. !!! hahaha. and realised how xingfu we are to have it free. so more of you ppl should exploit this opportunity, and take something in special sem too, if you'all can get it! hehe~ coz i think it's real bo hua to pay so much for it.. if i had to pay, i definitely wun take! ahahahas~ xian shi de wo.. :p

bleah. interview with P tmr! rawr. hope can get the RA thingy..

okay, i really should do some planning! set aside time for French homework, time for gatherings/lunches/dinners, and time for YOUTUBE. wahahaha~ oh! and time for reading! hehee.. borrowed The Five People You Meet in Heaven from boophie! it's her 2nd baby! wahaha~ and it's super niceeee! =( [uhhh i know nice and =( doesn't go together, but it's nice in a sad way.. haha] i'm already halfway thru' when i only started today on the way to and fro school. haha. now you know how much time i waste on taking stupid transport. and booboo agrees that hall is the best, after we suffered from squeezing among so many ppl in a NON-AIRCON bus. urrrrgh. that's something you never have to worry about when you stay in hall! hahaha~

am looking forward to next wed, when the autism trng's gonna start! hehe.. signed up for another kid's camp organised by hall.. but that's still a long time away.. so no worries~ all i pray for now is the RA position, autism stuff to go well, and french to be more facile! *grins*

ha. what should i do now? am so tired, but still feel like doing french over watching youtube. but really drained and listless. argh. howhowhowww?


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