Saturday, October 21, 2006

when i am boredddd.

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?
* okok la.. depends on my mood. hahaha~ n whether i'm PMS-ing.. muahahas.

Do you have any secrets?
* who doesn't?? haha

Do you hate yourself?
* why why why would i?

Do you like your handwriting?
* uhhhhhhh. okok la. haha

Do you have any bad habits?
* tonnes of them. dun tell u leh :p

What is the compliment you get most from
* i duno!! hahaha. quick quick!! lemme know!!!! wahahah~

If a movie was made about your life, what would it
be called?
* why wld anyone mk a movie abt my life? haha

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to
look cool?
* boliao ar??

Are you a loner?
* goodness NO!!

What are your no. 1 priorities in life?
* friends family school. hahaha~

If you were another person, would you be friends
with you?
* i duno.. but no harm trying rite?

Are you a daredevil?
* not really bahs. just curious at times.. haha

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?
* not really.. not unless u consider the mood swings at times. hmmmm

Are you passive or aggressive?
* duno??

Have you got a journal?
* is this considered a journal? haha long time nv kp written one le

What is the most important lesson you've learned
from life?
* dun be too trusting..

What do you like the most about your body?
* nothing. hahahaa

Do you think you are good looking?
* wad a qn~

Are you confident?
* ok la.. =)

What is the fictional character you're most like?
* duno duno!!

Do people know how you feel?
* i suppose so.. i tend to make it known most of the time haha

Are you perceived wrongly?
* sometimes i guess..


tv timeeeee!! =D

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